Assim Vivemos 2017

(Textos originais da edição).

Em 2017, o Festival Assim Vivemos chega a 8ª edição. É com enorme alegria que iniciamos mais uma busca pelos melhores filmes produzidos no mundo sobre o tema da pessoa com deficiência. Nossa intenção é sempre trazer um painel rico e plural das questões mais atuais e pertinentes que movem as pessoas com deficiência nas mais diferentes culturas.

A cada ano que realizamos o Assim Vivemos, nos surpreendemos com a impressão de que existe uma grande sintonia mundial, pois recebemos levas de filmes sobre um mesmo tema, produzidos nos mais distantes lugares, sem que um saiba da existência do outro.

O Assim Vivemos tem a honra de ser o primeiro festival de cinema no Brasil a oferecer acessibilidade para pessoas com deficiência visual (audiodescrição em todas as sessões e catálogos em Braile) e para pessoas com deficiência auditiva (legendas Closed Caption nos filmes e interpretação em LIBRAS nos debates). Quanto à acessibilidade física, o Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil tem sua arquitetura concebida para garantir o acesso de pessoas com mobilidade reduzida e cadeirantes.

Todas as sessões terão ENTRADA FRANCA.

Página inicial do site do Festival em 2017


Every year we hold Assim Vivemos, we are surprised by the impression of a huge world trend, since we receive several films with the same topic that are produced far apart and one filmmaker does not know about the existence of the others.

For some years, the main theme was love; in others, most of the movies were about the political fights of disabled people. This year, we have received a big amount of films about people with autism, followed closely by films about people with Down syndrome and intellectual impairment – and it seems to us that there are issues less discussed by society than others which are more specific than the physically disabled, for example.

However, the main theme this year, which is underlying in most of the films, is autonomy and the possibility of an independent life. This topic is the main goal, desire and dream of the films in Assim Vivemos that, together, bring a beautiful repertoire of experiences, difficulties and accomplishments in this sense.

In this 7th edition, we will show 33 films from 20 countries. Brazil is featured with seven films selected, from the South, Southeast, Mid-West and Northeast, showing that the reflection upon this topic has deserved more and more attention from our society.

Assim Vivemos has the honor of being the first film festival in Brazil to offer accessibility for visually impaired people (audio description in all sessions and catalogues in Braille) and for people with hearing disabilities (Closed Caption and sign language interpretation during the debates). Regarding physical accessibility, the Banco do Brasil Cultural Center was designed to guarantee the access of people with reduced mobility and in wheel chairs.

All sessions have FREE ADMISSION.